Event Registration

Someone Needs Your Star--Mark Arnold 10/31/2014 5:00 PM
Online registration closes 10/31/2014
Eli my 9 year old had a great idea to "adopt" star for those in need! He initiated this program with Carson Tueller's event and raised nearly $4,000 with the help of his fellow elementary aged students. When he heard about Mark he wanted to help! When I told him that we only had a couple weeks, he informed me that people would help if we give them a chance. He is right and here is your chance! Someone needs your Star (or your light, love, and support) and it's the Arnold family. Will you adopt a star for Mark?

The donations for the adoption start at $2, but you may decide to go higher. After you make your donation, please challenge someone to do the same. Let's see what we can do in the 5 days that we have left. Imagine combining with $10,000 other people in adopting a star for Mark and having Mark see the list on the side grow and grow. Eli will make a star with your name on it and take a picture of the bulletin that he made in his third grade class and present it to the Arnold's on the 3rd. It will be amazing! Be a part today.

Adult ticket price: $ 2
Child ticket price: $ 2
First Name  * 
Last Name  * 
Phone  *  ( ) -
Email  * 
Confirm Email  * 
Number of adults  * 
Number of children  * 

  Online Registration is Closed.
Weber State Ballroom

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Participant Limit: 10000
Spots Left: 9771


Eli & Isaac Anderson
Spencer, Mandy, Burton, Tyce, Paige, & Olivia Anderson
Emily Arnold
Erin Blackner
Jackie Brimhall
Jennifer Brown
Austin Chambers
Morgan & Cheryl Cloward
Zoe Cole
Joanna Colvin
Jason Cram
Laura Decker
Wendy Digiacomo
Sarah Dufour
Amy Dyreng
Erik Dyreng
Laura Dyreng
Russell Dyreng
Becky Eberhard
Terry Freeman
Chiara Fronce
Mark & Lori Hendry
Marlene King
Alicia Kinne
Lori Moore
Steve & Penny Morris
Amy Mullins
Susanne Oborn
Kathleen Parke
Steve & Elaine Smith
Jill Spainhower
Kristin Statler
Bryan Stoddard
Theron Stoker
Logan Tarantino
Tamara Thomas
Dave & Kelly Welker
Corey, Summer, Blaise, Westin , & Colton Wikstrom